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View Player inventorys

It would be cool fi there was a new tab that showed the Players Name, (Possibly there skin) and there entire inventory including what armor they have on, whats in the hand, what there currently holding ECT.

It would also be cool if it could Flag items that are Suppose to be blacklisted and display a message saying So and So has TNT, ECT.

Ablac , 05.08.2011, 10:57
Idea status: under consideration


mymchost, 05.08.2011, 16:22
The inventory tracking feature may be something that may get integrated, but it is not something that I can work on currently.

As for the notification of blacklisted items, in v.7b you will be able to receive alerts via e-mail, notifo, or SMS based on settings that you specify in the Server Alerts section of each of your server. The web interface for Server Alerts is currently available to users now, but the alerts will not be sent until v.7b is released and installed on the your server.

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